Epic trip though Heaps Canyon with Raquel Diaz and Matt Weyen

On a trip through Heaps canyon in Zion National Park, Oct 2021 Raquel Diaz, Matt Weyen and their friend Michelle Niles were excited to see this amazing canyon. Day one of the trip was beautiful and they were enjoying their trip. The next day Raquel broke her ankle while downclimbing in one spot. They continued down canyon slowly with Raquel doing as much as she could with assistance from her team. They made it to the last rappel us as it was getting dark. Matt deployed the rope out of the dry bag he has stored it for the beginning of the canyon. He got on rope to rappel and just before he went into the free hang part, he noticed a huge knot in the rope. He was able to get back to the top of the rappel where he and Raquel worked in the knot for almost an hour when Michelle came to join them and continued to help for anther 30-45 minutes. They finally got the knot undone and were able to finish the canyon that night. 

You can find Matt (3) Matt Weyen | Facebook and Raquel Raquel Diaz | Facebook

To watch Matts video of that day https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z0nv9ymLHX46GYmxx4b86WcYtzz8MgBF/view?usp=sharing


Longer than anticipated in Maze Canyon with Jude and Kelleigh.


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